Monday, October 25, 2010

The Reason You Should Consider Custom Tattoo Designs

Tattoos are a form of personal expression and experience. Custom tattoo designs are the most difficult and time consuming type of tattoo to decide upon. The reason for this is that most tattoo enthusiasts that desire custom tattoo designs start with a vague vision in their mind and methodically work toward the final tattoo design.

It is becoming increasingly unpopular to simply walk into your local parlor and look at the common designs posted on the walls or in the multitude of books the local parlors have for you. Remember how permanent an inking is so it is very much worth the time, effort and in most cases a little sum of money to find design combinations that will work for you.

Custom tattoo designs are unique to you; you will design it with the guidance of friends, artists or online galleries, all of which should be considered. These designs are so much more personal than flash art and will represent your heart and soul; a true statement of your life, good or bad, tender or not.

You will need to custom design your tattoo to fit the area of your body you want to have it inked to. Then the lettering needs to fit if you choose lettering, the color combinations are also as important as the actual design itself.

The method I suggest to come to the ultimate custom tattoo design for you is to write down and organize your ideas and the steps to accomplish your goal of a stunning custom tattoo design. Start with the purpose or message you want the tattoo to represent. Second, write down three sources you want to investigate for ideas. I would suggest starting with a close friend or relative who would have a connection to the experience or message you want to depict. Then also strongly consider online galleries because it is here where the best artists in the world are connected and blogs are available where others may offer suggestions that your local artist wouldn't ever consider. Quality online galleries also will offer you the ability to mix colors and design ideas so you won't need to just visualize these items in your mind, you will be able to actually see them before you decide. My last option would be go talk to my local artist and employ their help in finalizing the designs, being sure they are able to professionally apply your custom tattoo designs exactly as you have designed it.

Add sub categories to this action plan in as much detail as you wish and the end result will be custom tattoo designs that represent art beyond what you envisioned. Keep in mind this will take time and research, it will probably require starting over a few times but the final product will be a collaboration of creative thoughts that will be unique to you, you will own it and that should be your final goal.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Body Art What's Right For Me

Ask anyone what "Body Art" is and you are likely to receive a variety of answers. The truth is that it means many things to many people. It could be an intricately designed tribal tattoo, a long trail of piercings to form a corset or a temporary body painting. Because of the large variety of artists and methods to create this unique art form, it is important to carefully consider all aspects of the what you are considering having done and researching everything that is available to you.

Things to keep in mind about body art:

1. Many methods of body art are permanent including tattoos, piercings and body modifications. Be absolutely sure you will be happy with this procedure 40 years down the road.

2. Do you have a job that will tolerate your form of body modification? Many companies now require a professional appearance including the removal of piercings and tattoos that can be covered. Don't risk losing your job for a modification that your company won't allow.

3. If the procedure you decide on requires healing, including piercings and tattoos, be sure to follow the advice of the person who performed the procedure. This typically includes minimal touching of the area, keeping the area clean and not wearing clothing that will rub up against it or irritate it. Keep an eye out for signs of infections including oozing, bleeding, pus or if the area feels hot to the touch.

4. Whatever form of body art you decide on, be sure that the studio performing it is reputable and trustworthy. When visiting the studio, the work areas should be clean and have good lighting for the artist to work with. All equipment used should be sterilized after each use and needles should be used once and then thrown away.

5. When choosing the artist to create your art, look for certifications from Alliance for Professional Tattooists (APT) or the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) and of course always request to view previous work by the artist.

6. Consider forms of body art that are temporary such as henna tattoos. Since these are painted on, you also get to skip the pain involved with a tattoo.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How to Choose Tattoo Needles

Gradually, tattoos are accepted by all, so there comes more ways to do tattooing and tattoo supplies are flourishing. Here I'd like to express my own ideas of choosing tattoo needles, as now they have various classifications for tattoo artists to choose and most people feel confused. Following are the most common ones for your choice.

Round Liner Needles

Rounder liner needles are usually for liner. The so-called rounder needles refer to gathering a certain number of needles together according to one center when welding them. Usually, the thickness of each needle is between 0.25 and 0.4. Experienced tattoo artists may tell the needle whose thickness is between 0.3 and 0.35 is most commonly used.

That's definitely right and those ones are pretty easy in use. Liner needles that have the widest application is those with tips of middle dullness, too sharp and too blunt are not ideal in use. When choosing, you are suggest to pick those with sharp reduction treatment as the tips are holding together, and there will be no bifurcation when liner.

The common types are: 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. You'd better not choose those too small nor too thick, which may affect the tattoo designs when using.

Flat shader Needles

There are many types of flat shader needles: single row, double row (subdivided into overlapped ones and bifurcated ones), arc etc. Same to round liner ones, the thickness of flat shader needles are range from 0.5 to 0.4. The commonly used is 0.3 to 0.4. Needles for shader usually have a blunt tip. Tips that are too sharp are easy to scratch the skin and do much more damage to the skin, while blunt tips do well in inserting inks.

Single row needles are used in trimming and modifying sharp corners, especially when the tattoo designs are small, but not so helpful for large color areas.

Overlapped needles' tips have a big density, therefore, when piercing; the depth is relatively shallow, which is suitable for exquisite shader.

Bifurcated needles, both big and small sizes, are mostly practical, pretty helpful to insert colors.

Arc needles do a great job in shading.